
March 2011

  /  2011

We started our trek northward from south Florida with a surprise. Our son Turner’s girlfriend, Courtney, had been interning as a counselor all summer at Camp John Marc in Texas. She and Turner are big Harry Potter fans and wanted to come to the theme park at Universal Studios for some time. With the stealth help of Courtney’s parents we managed to surprise her with a visit to the Universal Studios in Orlando with Turner. I think the “kids” might have been a little crowed in the motorhome with us, but it was good seeing them both. While they toured the Harry Potter theme parks, Anna and I hung around Fort Wilderness and WDW. We limited our time touring the theme parks at WDW due to the extreme heat. Can you say HOT-HOT-HOT!!! After a four-day visit Courtney flew back to Texas to finish her summer commitment, and Turner returned to his job and graduate studies at Clemson University. We would like to come back in a few years with all of our kids.

We made our way east into the Sunshine State just in time for the July 4th weekend celebrations. Heavy rains and automobile accidents along our route delayed our arrival into Santa Rosa Beach by several hours, but we still managed to arrived in time to eat

We’re off! Our plan to visit friends and places in the southeast has come together. After a three-day delay to repair some mechanical and technical malfunctions, the motorcoach has once again made it through all inspections and checks. All the necessities and comforts of home are

Oh how we love traveling to Tennessee - when the weather cooperates! Our first RV trip this year to Clemson University was a huge success. There was a large turnout for the Clemson football spring game and the baseball games against Maryland. While there, we managed to